Using iBeacons for Locating Robots

Beacons are great for use with robots for use in determining extra contextual information. There’s recent research on Autonomous Navigation of an Indoor Mecanum-Wheeled Omnidirectional Robot Using Segnet (pdf) that uses iBeacons to determine a rough location of the robot. The locating uses Kalman filtering and trilateration to get a fix for the robot. If … Continue reading “Using iBeacons for Locating Robots”

Using iBeacon to Assess Elderly Frailty

There’s a research paper by Thomas Tegou, Ilias Kalamaras, Markos Tsipouras, Nikolaos Giannakeas, Kostantinos Votis and Dimitrios Tzovaras of Information Technologies Institute, Greece on A Low-Cost Indoor Activity Monitoring System for Detecting Frailty in Older Adults. The paper describes a room-level accuracy indoor localization system, based on Bluetooth RSSI, to assess the frailty in older … Continue reading “Using iBeacon to Assess Elderly Frailty”

Bluetooth LE on the Factory Floor

Connected factory implementations require a large number of connected assets for condition-based monitoring, asset tracking, inventory (stock) management or for building automation. Bluetooth is a secure, low cost, low power and reliable solution suitable for use in connected factories. In this post, we examine the reasoning behind some out-of-date thinking on industrial wireless, uncover the … Continue reading “Bluetooth LE on the Factory Floor”

Trust Range Method of Improving Location Accuracy

A mentioned in our post on location accuracy, two methods of improving accuracy are calibration and trilateration. There’s a recent research paper on iBeacon indoor localization using trusted-ranges model, that explores an alternative ‘trusted-ranges’ method. The method is still based on the RSSI measurements between the beacon and detector. It builds up a trusted-range model … Continue reading “Trust Range Method of Improving Location Accuracy”

New Bluetooth Direction Finding Feature

A new direction finding feature has been released for Bluetooth 5.1 (pdf). Using more than one antenna, as used by Quuppa, allows for direction finding. The paper on Enhancing Bluetooth Location Services with Direction Finding explains how location services currently use RSSI to estimate the distance. Direction finding introduces more advanced Angle of arrival (AoA) and … Continue reading “New Bluetooth Direction Finding Feature”

Testing if a Beacon is Working

It’s often the case you need to know if a beacon is working and advertising the correct information. It’s also sometimes necessary to differentiate between beacons, based on their signal strength, so you know you are setting up the correct beacon. Other times, you might want to know a beacon’s MAC address. The best scanning … Continue reading “Testing if a Beacon is Working”

Hybrid Localisation Method

In our previous article iBeacon Microlocation Accuracy, we wrote about ways of using beacon RSSI to determine location. However, what if you were to use and combine beacon RSSI with other ways of locating to create a hybrid method? This is the topic of a new research Unsupervised Indoor Localization Based on Smartphone Sensors, iBeacon and … Continue reading “Hybrid Localisation Method”

iBeacon Microlocation Accuracy

Customers often ask us the accuracy when locating beacons. In order to get the answer, its necessary to understand different ways of locating and the tradeoffs that are needed to get the different levels of accuracy. There are two types of locating, received signal strength (RSSI) based and angle of arrival direction finding (AoA). Locating … Continue reading “iBeacon Microlocation Accuracy”