What is the Beacon With the Shortest Range?

A short-range beacon is useful in scenarios where precise proximity detection is crucial. For instance, in retail environments, it can trigger notifications when a customer is near a till or near a specific product. In museums, it can provide detailed information about an exhibit when a visitor is directly in front of it. Short-range beacons are also valuable for security purposes, ensuring access control in restricted areas by detecting when someone is within a specific, confined space.

The range of a beacon can be adjusted by altering its transmission power, known as Tx Power. Tx Power determines the strength of the signal the beacon emits. By reducing the Tx Power, any beacon’s signal strength can be decreased, effectively shortening its range.

Lowering the Tx Power to reduce the beacon’s range significantly improves battery life. Since the beacon is emitting a weaker signal, it consumes less power. This efficiency is beneficial for maintaining the beacon’s operation over longer periods without frequent battery replacements or recharges.

Beacons can generally achieve a minimum range of 2 to 3 metres. However, it’s important to note that the range can fluctuate over time due to the nature of radio signals, which can be affected by environmental factors such as walls, interference from other electronic devices and physical obstructions.

In addition to adjusting the Tx Power, the range can be fine-tuned by using the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) at the receiving end. RSSI measures the power level of the received signal, allowing devices such as smartphones (iOS and Android) or computers (like Raspberry Pi) to determine how close they are to the beacon. By setting thresholds for RSSI values in the receiving program code, you can define more precise proximity zones, ensuring that actions are triggered only when the device is within the desired range.

App-Based Indoor Mobility Detection

The new paper titled A Mobile App-based Indoor Mobility Detection Approach using Bluetooth Signal Strength (PDF) by Muztaba Fuad, Anthony Smith and Debzani Deb from Winston-Salem State University, explores the development and application of a novel system for detecting indoor mobility patterns using the Bluetooth signal strength from mobile devices. This research is significant for its potential real-world applications, particularly in optimising indoor layouts for efficiency.

The research underscores the limitations of GPS in indoor settings, necessitating alternative localisation techniques such as Bluetooth for indoor mobility detection. The study is motivated by the potential efficiency improvements in industries like healthcare, where space optimisation can significantly enhance operational efficiency and patient care.

The approach uses a mobile application to collect Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) data to determine paths taken by mobile devices within indoor spaces. The system comprises a vectorised algorithm for path determination, highlighting its low-cost and ease of implementation advantages. The methodology faced challenges related to software system creation, data collection and mobility detection. Despite these, the study demonstrates that Bluetooth RSSI data can effectively determine indoor paths with reasonable accuracy.

Experiments conducted in controlled indoor environments validated the system’s ability to detect mobility patterns accurately. Parameters such as data aggregation methods and normalisation significantly impacted the accuracy of detected paths. The study’s findings indicate that the proposed approach can effectively map indoor mobility without specialised hardware, relying solely on mobile devices and a custom application.

The authors conclude that while the system presents a promising solution for indoor mobility detection using Bluetooth RSSI, further research is necessary to improve accuracy and applicability in real-world scenarios. Future work will explore the impact of varying the number of stationary devices and the distance between them on detection accuracy. Additionally, real-world testing in clinical settings is planned to validate the approach’s effectiveness in operational environments.

Improving Bluetooth Fingerprinting Using Machine Learning

A new paper titled “Augmentation of Fingerprints for Indoor BLE Localization Using Conditional GANs” by Suhardi Azliy Junoh and Jae-Young Pyun, explores the development of a data-augmentation method for enhancing the accuracy of indoor localisation systems that use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) fingerprinting.

Bluetooth fingerprinting is a technique used to identify and track devices based on the unique characteristics of the Bluetooth signal, such as hardware addresses and signal strength, at specific locations.

The primary challenge addressed is the labour-intensive and expensive nature of traditional site surveys required for collecting Bluetooth fingerprints. The authors propose a novel approach that employs a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network with Long Short-Term Memory (CGAN-LSTM) to generate high-quality synthetic fingerprint data. This method aims to complement existing fingerprint databases, thereby reducing the need for extensive manual site surveys.

The research found that augmenting the fingerprint database using the CGAN-LSTM model significantly improved localisation accuracy. In experimental evaluations, the proposed data augmentation framework increased the average localization accuracy by 15.74% compared to fingerprinting methods without data augmentation. Moreover, when compared to linear interpolation, inverse distance weighting, and Gaussian process regression, the proposed CGAN-LSTM approach demonstrated an average accuracy improvement ranging from 1.84% to 14.04%, achieving average accuracies of 1.065 and 1.956 meters in two different indoor environments. These results underline the effectiveness of the CGAN-LSTM model in capturing the complex spatial and temporal patterns of BLE signals, making it a promising solution for indoor localisation challenges.

The study contributes significantly to the field by demonstrating how synthetic data can enhance the performance of fingerprint-based localisation systems in a cost-effective and efficient manner. The authors suggest that this approach could alleviate the burdensome demands of manual site surveys, offering a viable solution for improving the accuracy of BLE-based indoor localisation while minimizing resource expenditure.

Crowdsensing Proximity Detection

There’s a new study on the performance of a proximity detection system for visitors in indoor museums using a Crowdsensing-based technique, authored by Michele Girolami, Davide La Rosa, and Paolo Barsocchi. This approach uses Bluetooth beacon data collected from visitors’ smartphones to calibrate two proximity detection algorithms: a range-based and a learning-based algorithm, embedded within a museum visiting application tested in the Monumental Cemetery’s museum in Pisa, Italy.

The experimental results demonstrate a significant improvement in performance when using crowd-sourced data, with accuracy metrics showing up to a 30% improvement compared to state-of-the-art algorithms. The research introduces a novel contribution by employing a Crowdsensing approach to improve the accuracy of proximity detection algorithms in a challenging indoor environment.

The study provides a detailed experimental campaign, including the design of the mobile application named R-app, to assess the performance enhancements achieved through this innovative method. The authors conclude that integrating Crowdsensing techniques with proximity detection algorithms offers a promising solution for enhancing visitor experiences in cultural heritage contexts.

The resultant collected data is also available.

Read about Beacons in Events and Visitor Spaces

Sample Bluetooth Beacon Museum Data Available

Research on Bluetooth dataset for proximity detection in indoor environments collected with smartphones by Michele Girolami, Davide La Rosa, and Paolo Barsocchi, outlines the creation and details of a dataset aimed at enhancing proximity detection between people and points of interest (POIs) within indoor environments, particularly museums.

This dataset is created from Bluetooth beacon data collected from various smartphones during 32 museum visits, showing the interaction with Bluetooth tags placed near artworks. It includes data such as Received Signal Strength (RSSI) values, timestamps and artwork identifiers, providing a comprehensive ground truth for the start and end times of artwork visits.

The dataset is particularly designed for researchers and industry professionals looking to explore or improve upon methods for detecting the proximity between individuals and specific POIs using commercially available smartphone technologies. The primary aim is to facilitate rapid prototyping and the evaluation of indoor localisation and proximity detection algorithms under realistic conditions, leveraging accurate ground truth annotations and detailed hardware specifications.

The authors highlight the dataset’s significance in enabling the testing of proximity detection algorithms under real-world conditions, using data collected with commercial smartphones and Bluetooth tags. It allows for the examination of how RSS values vary across different devices and conditions, including during non-proximity events, providing insights into how these values change as a person approaches or leaves an artwork. This dataset is invaluable for researchers and startups aiming to analyse and automatically detect proximity between subjects and POIs in realistic conditions.

In creating the dataset, the team focused on replicating real-world museum visit conditions, ensuring visitors behaved naturally and that data collection reflected a variety of smartphones and visiting paths to accommodate device heterogeneity and environmental conditions. The methodology included varying the smartphones used for data collection and the sequence of artworks visited, to simulate different user experiences and conditions encountered in a museum setting.

Read about Beacons in Events and Visitor Spaces

Indoor Locating Using Beacons in Nursing Care

The new paper Relabeling for Indoor Localization Using Stationary Beacons in Nursing Care Facilities by Christina Garcia and Sozo Inoue from the Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan, presents a study on enhancing machine learning for indoor localisation in caregiving, specifically in nursing homes, using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology.

The study addresses the challenge of limited data available for training machine learning models in indoor localisation, which is critical for monitoring staff-to-patient assistance and managing workload in caregiving environments. The authors propose a data augmentation method that repurposes the Received Signal Strength (RSSI) from various beacons by re-labeling them to locations with fewer data samples, thus resolving data imbalances. This method uses standard deviation and Kullback–Leibler divergence to measure signal patterns and find matching beacons for re-labeling. Two variations of re-labeling are implemented: full and partial matching.

The performance of this method is evaluated using a real-world dataset collected over five days in a nursing care facility equipped with 25 Bluetooth beacons.

Overall, the study highlights the effectiveness of the proposed re-labelling method in enhancing indoor localisation accuracy in nursing care facilities, providing a valuable contribution to the field of caregiving and workload management.

Simple Indoor iBeacon Positioning Method

New research Using iBeacon Components to Design and Fabricate Low-energy and Simple Indoor Positioning Method (PDF) focuses on developing an effective indoor positioning system using iBeacon. The authors propose an enhanced triangulation technique using signal strength signatures for improved indoor positioning precision.

This system integrates a ‘blind’ device and multiple base stations using iBeacon components to form virtual digital electronic fences, effectively receiving signals from moving devices or tags in a targeted area. The proposed method divides the positioning area into rectangular or triangular subareas and establishes a loss value database for improved location estimation.

The system shows high accuracy, with an average error of less than 0.5 m in the worst-case scenario, making it suitable for various environments. The paper covers the architecture of the system, development phases and experimental results demonstrating the system’s effectiveness. The research offers significant insights into low-cost, high-precision indoor positioning methods suitable for diverse applications such as healthcare, smart cities, and industrial settings.

Novel iBeacon Localisation Algorithm Modelling

Recent research A Novel Optimized iBeacon Localization Algorithm Modeling by Jiajia Shi et al, addresses the challenges in achieving high accuracy in indoor object localisation or tracking using iBeacon systems. These systems, which use Bluetooth sensors, are appealing due to their low cost and ease of setup but there can be challenges with accuracy and they can sometimes be susceptible to interference and environmental noise.

To overcome these challenges, the study focuses on developing error modeling algorithms for signal calibration, uncertainty reduction and noise elimination. The novel approach is based on the Curve Fitted Kalman Filter (CFKF) algorithms. The research demonstrates that the CFKF algorithms significantly improve the accuracy and precision of iBeacon localisation.

The paper discusses the limitations of current indoor localisation technologies, including the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) method, which is affected by multipath fading in indoor environments.

The authors propose a novel CFKF error modelling approach to enhance the estimation accuracy of iBeacon systems in field experiments. This approach includes a developed Kalman Filter (KF) state estimate algorithm based on the modified Least Squares Algorithm (LSA), a system calibration process for the RSSI and estimated distance and the CFKF error modelling for improved accuracy.

An Enhanced Triangulation Technique

Researchers from universities in Taiwan have developed a simple Bluetooth low-energy indoor positioning method using iBeacon components. The system aims to be lightweight, low-cost, and highly precise. The paper, Using iBeacon Components to Design and Fabricate Low-energy and Simple Indoor Positioning Method (PDF), introduces an enhanced triangulation technique using strength signatures of transmitted signals to improve positioning precision in planar locations.

The physical system consists of an observation (they call blind) device and multiple base stations using iBeacon components. These base stations can form virtual digital electronic fences and receive signals from blind devices, such as wearable devices or equipment tags. The positioning area is divided into rectangular or triangular subareas and the location of a blind device can be accurately located in real time using the measured strength of received signals and topology analysis.

The proposed method has an average error of less than 0.5 meters in the worst scenario and can be easily used in various environments. It integrates an STSS database and a triangulation method by evaluating the power values of received directional signals. Compared to traditional triangulation technologies, this method offers better positioning accuracy with simpler implementation procedures, reducing the overall cost of deployment.

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Improving Safety on Construction Sites

Researchers from Spain have recently developed a safety system that uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to ensure the correct use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) on construction sites. This innovative system is not only robust and reliable but also easily adaptable to various dangerous machines.

The system is built on RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) information transmitted by BLE devices arranged in a particular rig combined with a Bayesian distance estimator. The aim is not merely to signal risky situations caused by the misuse of PPE but to intervene swiftly and robustly to eliminate the safety risk.

The researchers have built upon previous results on the statistically sound measurement of distances and closeness in construction sites. By collocating several BLE transmitters near orthogonally, they have managed to reduce interferences while avoiding the cost of more advanced technologies.

The practical contributions of this research include the design of the system, a working prototype and a thorough statistical analysis for finding the optimal parameters for both the software and the equipment. The research shows that using several orthogonally collocated BLE transmitters improves robustness and overall performance without requiring more complex and costly equipment.

The improvements are most significant as the number of transmitters increases. Using a diversity of devices is better when these devices are noisy and it also enhances the robustness of the solution. An arrangement of orthogonal BLE beacons allows for an increased rate of advertising messages, and an extended Kalman filter plus a discrete filter can benefit from that increased flow of data, providing a simple and efficient approximation to the problem of safety estimation.

The use of an additional beacon to notify the correct use of the PPE, implemented inside a wearable microcontroller, is a very flexible solution. It allows for different local implementations using various sensors and measurements without the need to modify the RSSI-only method in the receiver, and with any number of users. The system can be easily integrated into a wide variety of dangerous machines and tools such as angle grinders, concrete mixers and pneumatic drills.