Having a beacon being able to detect humidity (and temperature) while at the same time being waterproof is difficult to achieve because the case itself usually needs to be waterproof thus preventing the sensor on the printed circuit board from sampling the environment. The new M52-PA-S is unique in that it solves this problem by having a permeable seal on the case and a waterproof printed circuit board.

The ‘PA’ signifies this beacon also has an extra RF amplifier for a longer range up to 150m. This beacon can be used in many different modes: 1 channel advertising, 2 channels advertising, 1 + 2 advertising, sensor advertising and Meeblue fixed data. The two main advertising channels can be iBeacon, Eddystone UID, Eddystone URL or user defined. When sensor advertising, the main channels are disabled and advertising includes a unique id, temperature, humidity and battery voltage.