Bluetooth tags/beacons detect the position of people and assets. Software maps jobs, valuable tools, parts, sub-assemblies and people onto your floor plans or maps.

The main uses are:
- Searching. Knowing the location of something such as a piece of equipment, parts, stock, pallets, a job or person without ringing round. Locating expensive, shared, equipment so fewer spare assets are required to cover an area.
- Security. Alerting when people or assets enter or leave an area.
- Protection. Detecting quantities such as temperature and humidity for sensitive items that can spoil.
- Process Control. Knowing where things have been. Knowing what happened at a particular location. Knowing when measured values exceeded their expected range.
Bluetooth LE is particularly suitable because it is:
- Real Time. Better than barcode scans and NFC tags where the data is only as up to date as the last successful manual scan.
- Compatible. Bluetooth LE works with existing devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops.
- Reliable. Works in electrically noisy situations such as the factory.
- Inexpensive. Commodity hardware is more affordable than non-standard technologies such as ultra wideband (UWB).
The end result is reduced downtime, less time re-ordering or re-making things that have been lost, optimum productivity and better use of skilled staff doing their job rather than searching for assets and people.
Read about Beacons in Industry and the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)
Learn about Asset and Pallet Tracking for Manufacturers
Read about BluetoothLocationEngine™